
Flora Bisogno, Firenze


The poetry of the perpetual movement

Dynamic Thai Massage is inspired by the work of the Thai master Ajahn Chaiyut Priyasith, with whom the treatment has become a real flowing dance with the use of the receiver’s body weight. The masters David Lutt and Takis Oekonomi have reinterpreted and taught this style throughout Europe and Asia. From them I have learned the extraordinary and creative combination of Thai Massage and gentle rocking techniques and nowadays I’m allowed to teach them.

Corso di formazione in Dynamic Thai Massage con Flora Bisogno, Italia
Flora Bisogno, Firenze


In the course you will learn to give a treatment effortlessly and creatively using the right combination of gentle shaking and rocking. You will discover how to induce an effective release and rebalancing of the nervous system, drainage of the lymphatic system, stimulation of the circulatory system, restoration of mobility in the musculoskeletal system and vitality in the tissues (fasciae and organs), deep relaxation of the muscles.
Dynamic Thai is particularly useful for people who need to be mobilized, eased and drained. Furthermore, being a very playful style, it stimulates good mood and joy.

Flora Bisogno, Firenze


The Dynamic Thai course takes place over two weekends or five residential days for a total of 35 hours of training and is suggested in particular to those who have completed Thai Massage Level 1 and 2, but also to those who have other experience of treatments on the floor. It is possible to access for practitioners of different disciplines of movement, body expression and contact. Together with the Thai Massage Level 1 and 2 with Dynamic Thai style you will get solid foundations for practicing with fluidity, change of patterns, different types of touch and related therapeutic properties.

Corso di Dynamic Thai Massage con Flora Bisogno
Corso di Dynamic Thai Massage con Flora Bisogno a Firenze


  • Common elements and differences between traditional Thai Massage and Dynamic
  • Rhythm, stillness, precision: resources for an effective and creative treatment
  • Biomechanics of Dynamic Thai Massage
  • In-depth study of the concepts of mobility and vitality
  • Water in the body and how it resonates in movement
  • Different types of touch and therapeutic functions
  • Joy, playfulness and creativity for the nervous system
  • Benefits and contraindications


  • Dynamic sequences for the whole body
  • Transitions: fluidity and ease
  • Integration

Certificate: Dynamic Thai Massage, Lulyani School of Thai Massage & Osteothai

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